Sunday, May 3, 2009
There's A Party Up In Here.......
Today Stella threw a Jonas Brothers party in honor of Disney Channel's new show starring well....the Jonas Brothers. Stella is "unconditionally and irrevocably" into those Jonas Brothers in a way that would rival any teenagers' infatuation with any celebrity. She loves their music and I suppose the boys themselves....At first, I was a little alarmed...my sweet little five year old (she was five when this obsession began) already into a boy band...how could this be? But her obsession seems fairly harmless as far as obsessions go so I haven't discouraged it quite yet (although come to think of it, I may not be a great judge of that-hmm). But anyway, we had the party today to celebrate the show's premiere and we had a blast. Stella had printed invitations off for her sister and dad (yes Jay was invited and in attendance...such a sweet daddy). Our menu consisted of fruit kabobs, smoothies, and peanut butter and Jonas sandwiches...how funny is that last one?). Everyone got a backstage pass and we played Jonas Brothers BINGO and pin the microphone on Nick (Stella's idea)....Definite fun was had by all...Sorry you all had to miss it, but this party was extremely exclusive only the Doak Family Five in attendance....Here are some pics of our fun afternoon! Enjoy!!

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Camdyn likes Jonas.... she is more into the Camp Rock and HSM trilogy.... we had a party for the premiere of HSM 2... but I think your party surpassed ours... I love the picture of Jay. hahaha He is so rockstar.