This is my backyard following a morning visit from my friendly, local Verizon Yard Destroyers!!!! If I wasn't convinced my grandma reads this blog I would have a few choice words to say in the name of FIOS progress( Gosh...did I even get that acronym right...I'm sure Jay will quickly correct me if I'm wrong)......ugh....Can the Internet ruin ONE more aspect of our lives????.......
PS--If you're looking...Here is the link to donate to our CHKD 8K:
What the heck! Will they clean it up?? Do you guys have FIOS in your area?? I know Don was interested in that service...not sure if it is at the beach yet. I have some picture of our bathroom that would make your head spin :) We hope (fingers crossed) to FINALLY have our bathroom back by July....we shall see what happens.