So my birthday is coming up next week and other than peace on earth and good-will toward all what I REALLY super-want (as Ashlyn would say) is an Edward blanket. What, you might ask is an Edward blanket? Well it's a blanket with a gigantic picture of Rob Pattinson who plays Edward in the Twilight movie plastered all over it...and it is simply the most gorgeous, lovable, huggable blanket any girl could ever ask for. I am seriously serious. I don't know why...I can't explain it...but I want that dang blanket more than I have ever wanted any other material possession...ever..really. Weird, right? So why not go out and just buy the darn thing for myself? Well in my world/mind--you should come visit sometime it's really fun--that would just be WEIRD...I just can't bring myself to walk into the store and expose myself like that. It would not be a pretty sight to see a nearly 35 year old mom walking into a local Hot Topic store shaking with excitement as I slap down my credit card and purchase such a thing from a nose-pierced, tattooed 18 year old. I can just see myself dragging Stella with me as a beard.."Oh, ok Stella I don't really approve, but since you've worked so hard and saved all your money I just can't say no to that silly Edward blanket..." And Stella would of course, sell me out and totally tell that sales person, "Mommy, you're crazy...that blanket is for you."
So you all know I have this....ummm thing... for Twilight and my BFF Sarah can swear to you that I also have this thing for blankets...REALLY...I love blankets. I haven't ever really analyzed this, but I'm sure it has something to do with my obvious troubled childhood--kidding, dad--mom....just grasping here..... So here we are: My obsessions have converged....Twilight and blankets all rolled together into one. A better birthday gift could never be given.....That pillowcase wouldn't be turned away either....
I am one of the few remaining females who has not read of seen Twilight...all my aunts and a few of my cousins are right with you on this...I have so many rules about the books I read and I can't violate the "no vampires" rule...but I can totally see how Rob P. would be just your crush type. And I can't poke fun bc I had a Nick Lachey thing going on for a year or so.