Ok everyone!!!!!
I got my fantastic Edward blanket in the mail on Saturday!! I ran to the door screaming, "Edward!!! Edward!!! Edward!!!" I'm sure the Fed Ex guy had never seen a more excited customer!!!! I ripped that bad boy open immediately!!!!!! I was thrilled...so much so that I really wanted to cancel all my plans for the day and curl up to spend some quality time with my sweet Edward....BUT I had to get a grip and function normally until bedtime (BTW is 4:00pm too early for bed?)....Unfortunately for me (and Edward), I had plans for the evening and didn't end up crawling into bed until a ridiculous 12:30 in the AM....I won't revel too many details, but it was definitly worth the wait!!!! Have a great day!! xoxo
I am so sorry plans with me preempted your big evening with Edward ....