How nerve wrecking was the Idol last night everyone!?!!! I was on the edge of my seat and couldn't even breathe until they announced that Kris had made it into the TOP 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!! Go Kris!!!!!!!!!!! Once they told him to put his cute little (he really is tiny) self into one of those seats I was able to somewhat relax since I really didn't care who got the boot out of the remaining three!!! The first part of the show was somewhat unbearable....Did Paula really need to perform? Did Gwen Stefani really need to jump around stage until she was out of breath (or did she just come on stage that way)? And seriously, did anyone else find it strangely odd that Slash was a mentor, and then got up on the American Idol stage and performed with Danny Gokey of all people? To quote little Kris, "It's all very surreal."....I digress.....
Ok, so it was definitely a sad night for Allison fans, but she had been teetering on the brink of leaving for weeks now and at least she left on a high note (pun intended). I had a feeling it would be her, simply for the fact that she talked back to Simon following her performance.....It's clearly the kiss of death (Carly Smithson...anyone?)....
So, we are heading into the homecoming show and I personally can't wait to see all those little church ladies pinching Danny's cheeks, the clueless (and I do mean in an ironic way) girls screaming and crying @ the sight of Adam...we may even find out if Conway, Arkansas breeds tiny people or if Kris simply has a little bit of leprechaun in his blood......he certainly did get pretty lucky this week!!! Ohhhhhhh fun ya'll!!!! Have a great week!!!!!
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