Hey Everyone:
Although I have shamelessly begged my family and friends to sponsor Jay and I in next week's CHKD 8K, I have yet to really go into details regarding my training program. Mainly for the fact that---and I'm being completely honest here--I am a complete and utter hot mess when I run! It's truly tragic.... My runs consist of heavy breathing, copious amounts of sweat, the occasional mid-run breakdown, and always an overall feeling of terror, dread, and great discomfort....Why in the world am I doing this to myself? This is a question I ask myself EVERY TIME before, during, and after my run...And the truth is I'm not entirely sure. Part of me thinks it is the control freak in me that loves knowing I am the only one that can control my running destiny...I, and I alone, am responsible for running, no matter how tragic and flawed that act may be. I like that..I'm not a team sport kind of girl, but I can push myself harder and more than anyone else...
A. I want to get in shape...to be healthy for me and my family...to fend off any more sick diseases like Cancer....
B. I am raising money for an awesome cause...CHKD rocks!!!
C. I HAVE to prove to you naysayers (you know who you are) that I CAN, in fact, do this....
and last but not least...
D. it is written........I have had a recurring dream since I was a little kid that I was a runner...In my dream I would run and run and run..Effortlessly and fantastically! It is my destiny...I'm sure of it.....(and at the end of my 8K run next week I may in fact break out into a full-on Bollywood dance number in celebration of fulfilling said destiny.....)
So having said all that---I am up to 4 miles (at a snail's pace) and I'm pretty confident I can now complete an 8K. I've come a long way from Easter when I could not even run for one minute without thinking I would go into cardiac arrest (that's the absolute truth...) My goal is to finish the race and maybe even not be the last person to cross that finish line (but truly, I don't care if I am).....
Here is the playlist to my run...I'm thinking of switching things up this week, but these are the songs that have got me to the point I'm at now:
1.City of Blinding Lights-U2
2.Tall Fiddler-Tommy Emmanel (this song rocks...it's fast and super awesome!!)
3. My Name Is Jonas-Weezer (gosh, I love Weezer)
4. Mr. Brightside--The Killers (a little Brandon Flowers daydreaming always makes myday a little brighter)
5. Something Hot-Afghan Whigs (this song is hot!!!)
6. 66-Afghan Whigs
7. Two Step-Dave Matthews ( a good pick-me-up)
8. Over My Head-The Fray (usually my breakdown song...tears, hiccuping, the whole nine yards)
9. Geek In The Pink-Jason Mraz
10. Curbside Prophet-Jason Mraz (live version featuring John Popper and expletives that I'm screaming to myself already...)
11. Neon-John Mayer
12. Bigger Than My Body-John Mayer
13. Harder to Breathe--Maroon 5 (aww, the irony).
14. Seven Nation Army--The White Stripes..
A long playlist for a a very sloooooow runner....Thanks again to everyone who has donated! I love you all very much and am so happy with your generosity!!!
If you haven't donated and would still like to here is the link!
I am CERTAIN you can run this race....
ReplyDeleteI have to laugh bc before I started running I had those same dreams...
And I am going to have to check out some of the songs on your playlist....songs are the only thing that keep me moving some days.....your playlist is much more progressive than mine... I am sad to admit I have 5 Britney Spears songs on my IPOD...