So in the craziness that is the "final hour" I neglected to look @ the clock when I turned my potatoes on to cook. I had a brief moment in my dinner preparation when the turkey was resting, the casseroles were heating up, and I had nothing to do. I glanced over @ my pot of potatoes boiling away on the stove. I panicked...they had certainly been on the stove too long. I poked a fork into one (apparently the ONLY cooked one) and it was soft. I yanked the pot off the stove, drained the potatoes and tossed them into my mixer. Added a little milk, butter, and switched that bad boy on. At that moment, my parents arrived...The kids start jumping up and down, the dog is barking...I'm not even noticing that my mixer is literally lifting itself off the counter in an attempt to mash these bricks...I mean, potatoes.....It quiets down and I glance over @ the mixer which has caught my attention because it is about to fall off my counter....I notice the potatoes are a "bit" hard. Any normal person would take those potatoes out of the mixer and toss them back into the pot to continue cooking, right? What do I do? I add more milk...that's right...I add more milk...Certainly enough milk will create a consistency that one may be able to describe as mashed....right? OK...WRONG....My poor mixer was able to scrape some cooked parts away from the mostly RAW potatoes...I had a gluey mess...Time for confession. I threw everything else on the table, but a smile on my face, walked into my living room and told my family that we would not be having mashed potatoes with our Thanksgiving meal....chirp, chirp, chirp...My Dad asked what happened and I told him they were not Thanksgiving worthy (or ANY meal-worthy)...He told me he liked lumpy mashed potatoes (was that passive aggressive???). But I knew there was no way that I was putting those things on my table...And so that's the story of our mashed potato-less Thanksgiving...I think I may have started a new family tradition.....Happy holidays, ya'll.....
before.......and after...................

HA! HA! That is too funny, well I know it was not funny at the time but it made for a good blog! Better luck next year :) Amy
ReplyDeleteThat's great... I made potatoes for the first time this year... didn't have a lot of taste....
ReplyDeleteMy first year cooking I forgot to buy sweet potatoes (my favorite part of the dinner) and sent Chris out for hours looking for anything open...he finally found yams at some kind of a Mexican shop in West St.Paul :) And one year I shut the turkey off at my Mom's house....dinner wasn't ready for houuuurs.
What a funny story. You sure know how to make me laugh with your blogs.