Merry Christmas everyone:
For those who have faithfully kept up with my blog (thanks Tara and Amy)...you already know about this year in the life of the Doak Family 5...this is for everybody else : )
Our year has been kind of crazy (as usual) Here are some of the highlights (and inevitable low lights)
For those who have faithfully kept up with my blog (thanks Tara and Amy)...you already know about this year in the life of the Doak Family 5...this is for everybody else : )
Our year has been kind of crazy (as usual) Here are some of the highlights (and inevitable low lights)
January---the year got off to a rough start as I was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer right after the holidays (Happy New Year...woo hoo!!), but I wasn't allowed to wallow in pity as I went off for a girls' weekend to the OBX with all my Royal Grant girls. I had a great time forgetting my problems and getting absolutely zero work done on my scrapbooks (which was the point of the trip)....Did discover that my new neighbor Rachel and I were going to be the best of friends. Came back from my relaxing weekend just in time to celebrate my niece's ONE YEAR birthday.
February---Everyone in the Doak family gets hit hard by some sort of stomach virus. At one point we were all laid up on the couch. We had never all been sick @ the same time. It was absolutely terrible. Days later I had surgery to remove my thyroid! What a crazy and stressful time for our family. Thankfully the surgery went well...even though I could barely speak for about 2.5 months!!!!!!!!
March--Life begins to get somewhat back to normal until our piano teacher Elizabeth convinces us to raise two chicks ( as in; LIVE chickens). I start my blog to document the process, to record various homeschool capers, to leave some sort of documented history in case I die from a recurrence of cancer, and to give scathing commentary on American Idol (this was our favorite...check out prior blog entries. They are hilarious)....A very reflective month ...
April--found us celebrating Easter, venturing outdoors more to the zoo and beach and yes, more American Idol chatter...Jay talks me into signing up for the CHKD 8K...So eight weeks following my surgery, I start running...
May---still running. I celebrate my 35th birthday. American Idol crowns Kris Allen this year's winner. We finish up first grade of the Doak family homeschool and go on a camping trip to Cape Hatteras to celebrate.....
June--CRAZY month for our family...Jay turns 36 and on his birthday we run the CHKD 8K. We are so proud our little team (consisting solely of me and Jason). We raised over $1600 for the hospital!!! We were so proud and thankful to be able to give back to the hospital that has given us so much!!!!! Stella celebrated her 7th birthday (wow!! how did THAT happen??) and we started going to Real Life!
July---lazy summer days...lots of time @ the beach and tons of summer reading!!! very relaxing!
August--Stella starts second grade and Ashlyn kindergarten!! I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle homeschooling two kids. Everyday presents a new adventure. We also made it to Washington DC, where because of her father's incredible hookups was able to meet Nick Jonas of the Jonas Brothers!!! What a great trip!!!!!
September---We make it up to Shenandoah National Park for an end of the Summer camping trip and freeze our butts off in our new tent! Still a great trip...lots of hiking and smores!! We discover Ashlyn has begun to once again turn her eye in. A trip to her eye surgeon tells us another surgery may be in Ashlyn's future. Until then, she has a new prescription for glasses which are simply adorable on our little cutie! The girls participate in an end of the Summer piano recital. Ashlyn is adorable in her first performance!!! Stella is graceful and gorgeous as usual...
October---Quinn turns three. Ashlyn turns five. Jay and I turn nine : ) The kids celebrate Halloween as the statue of liberty (Stella), a cat (Ashlyn), and a chicken (Quinn). Our Church ceases to meet in GB High School as we move into our new building!!!!..The entire month is filled with celebration after celebration after celebration!
November---spent recovering from October...We have a wonderful (mashed potato-less) Thanksgiving.
December---We've already packed in a ton this month....Stella, Ashlyn, and Quinn all participated in their Christmas piano recital! (Quinn's first)...We have been busy getting ready for Christmas! Life is fantastic. Everyone is healthy, happy, and full of energy...This has been a year full of tears, laughter, new friendships, old friendships rekindled, struggles, triumphs, quiet moments, and joyous celebrations...We have been blessed to have God with us the entire way ...I can only imagine what next year will bring for us!!!
Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!! lots of love,
Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!! lots of love,
Excited to get a name mention....