Our summer has been a whirldwird of activity...some fantastic and exciting some not so much. Quinn continues to astound us on a daily basis. He is brillant, clever, and always entertaining. He loves to sing and play Putt-Putt and Freddie Fish computer games. He has really started getting into playing with his Matchbox cars which is fun to watch...You can tell he models his sisters' behavoir though, by the way he plays with his cars, "Hi, I red car. What's your name?" "Hi, I blue car nice to meet you." Sooo sweet.
Stella is thrilled with the prospect of meeting one of her beloved Jonas Brothers, Nick Jonas. Jason has a friend who organizes events for the National Press Club and has arranged a luncheon with Nick. She has GRACIOUSLY offered us her only two tickets to the event as well as her home!!! Stella and I will head up to Washington DC in a few weeks and "have lunch" with Nick!! There's a small chance he will come over and pose for photos with fans, but nonethless we will be in a room that only holds 300 people including Stella's beloved Nick Jonas. This is thrilling for our little Jonas Brothers fan. Stella , of course, is busy picking out the perfect outfit, scheduling and then canceling an appointment to get her ears peirced (too scared), and fretting about a loose tooth that she doesn't want looking "little and crooked" when she meets Nick!
In aniticpation of lots of fun breaks and mini-vacations, we have begun school a little early. Stella is starting second grade. She is excited about her upcoming school year which consists of Earth Science and Middle Ages history, more Math (one of her favorite subjects), and of course Language Arts. We have just started reading "The Miraculous Adventures of Edward Tulane" and are loving it so far. We have joined a local homeschool co-op that meets weekly in Norfolk and Stella is taking an art class with them. She is excited to meet other homescholed kids and take a drawing class. We've conitnued piano lessons all summer and Stella is busy practicing several pieces for an end-of-the Summer recital.
Ashlyn is doing well and is growing up to be such a fantastic little girl...She is always funny and very perceptive. She has fallen in love with Dora the Explorer and Diego this summer. She continues to play with her beloved My Little Pony collection and has jumped on the Jonas Brothers bandwagon. She's starting Kindergarten with enthusiasm and is looking forward to learning how to read!!! She is a fantastic artist and always impresses us with her newest artistic expressions! Ashlyn has started taking piano lessons this Summer and so far, has proved to be very good. She really likes it and I'm thrilled with the progress she has made in a few short weeks!!! She's looking forward to her birthday in October and tells us she wants to have a My Little Pony birthday party. Ashlyn is also taking a class @ the co-op this Fall and starting in September, she will be enrolled in the Irish Dance class they are offering!! She's also excited about our upcoming trip to D.C....As she says....while "Mommy and Stella have lunch with Nick; Daddy and I will have a speical day."
As for me and Jay, well certainly, the best news of the Summer is we have found a church that we both like very much...We've been going to Real Life Christian Church since the beginning of June. The music is good, the message is fantastic, the people seem very nice. The pastor is our age and is just a wonderful guy. So far, we really love it. Jay is even considering playing in the band on Sundays. He's going to his first rehearsal on Saturday.
I've been busy getting ready for the upcoming school year, spending LOTS of quality time with the kids since Jay has been traveling for work! I've rediscovered reading books (imagine that!) and have actually completed SEVERAL books this Summer..."Snow Flower and the Secret Fan" has been my fav. so far!! My health has been good overall. I am working diligently on finding a correct does to my thyroid medicine. The process has not been painless, but overall I'm feeling wonderful.
This Summer has not been without it's lows. We grudingly decided to postpone our September trip to Disney World. It was an extremely difficult decision to make. We were really looking forward to celebrating life's blessings by donning some mouse ears and heading to the "happiest place on Earth." Unfortuately, life (mainly bills) has gotten in the way of our trip. One of the hardest thing as a parent, thus far, has been telling the kids that we had to cancel the trip...gut-wrenching....BUT the kids handled it wonderfully and took it like the sweet-natured loving sweeties they are. And in even more distressing news, we have noticed Ashlyn increasingly begin to cross her right eye again. This is not great news and another surgery may be ahead for our little sweetie...It's not uncommon to have several surguries to correct Ashyln's eye/vision problems, but we were praying the two she had last year were the only ones she would need....I'm calling her doctor this week to check out our options. Wish us luck.
Despite the downs, overall life is great. I'm greatful for everyday I have here with my awesome kids and hubby. Life is defintely full of its' ups and downs, but the good always seems to outshine the bad, no? Take care all! Hope your Summer has been fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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