So, the Doak Family homeschool has gotten thrown off course a little in all the excitement of preparing and then going to Washington DC. We were able to throw a few lessons in here and there, but really haven't done structured school (funny, though, how that coincides with my signing up for Facebook!!!! ha!!!!!). Back in the saddle today though with renewed vigor! Ashlyn is excited to be reading Madeline for her FIAR curriculum and Stella and I will be starting "From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankenweiler," which was one of my absolute FAVORITE books as a child. It's about a girl and her brother who run away and stay @ the Metropolitan Musem Of Art. I can't wait to read it with Stella and see if she loves it as much as I did.
We've had some exciting things happen in our family in the past two weeks...None of which has directly affected us Doaks, but blessings nonetheless. Jason's cousin Robin gave birth to a beautiful little boy named Will! He had a fairly dramatic entrance into this world, but is doing great now! We're excited for Robin and daddy Doug! Congratulations!
My Aunt Tina and Uncle Franco celebrated their 30 year anniversary yesterday!!! I'm soo excited for these two!! They are such an inspiration mostly because they are not the "perfect couple." The odds have sometimes been stacked against these two, but somehow they have managed to stay together! Aunt Tina is YOUNG people so that means she got married when she was young (I think 19 or 20)!!!! I'm in awe of this couple who still like each other after thirty years!!!
Another exciting family event is my dad and step mom Pam, just got back from a trip to Hawaii. Dad had a conference there and Pam tagged along like any smart gal would! I haven't had a chance to catch up with them to see how the trip was, but hopefully they had a beautiful time....I'm sure they did....
So, that's all for now folks...Got lots more to say (as usual), but teachings these three cuties calls!! Take Care and have a great Monday!!!!!!!
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