As is the norm for us, the Doak family has been doing lots of celebrating. In the past two weekends we have been to three birthday parties!!! My niece Adyson turned two, my mother-in-law did NOT turn two (haha), and the girls' friend Parker turned six. Lots of birthday cakes, presents, and celebrating!
Church has been keeping us all very busy and we continue to get more involved on a weekly basis! I am really excited about my new involvement with our youth program. AND I just signed up and paid the deposit to go on a mission trip to Mexico this summer! It is something that I have been very passionate about for quite some time. We (me as an individual and the church) are doing a number of things to fund raise for the trip, so I will keep you posted on ways you can help me out if you're interested! I'm scared, but thrilled with the opportunity God has given me. So check back soon as I post more info about my trip!
Homeschool continues to be challenging and fun for us all! Stella is loving Science this year. Ashlyn's favorite subject is Math and she really seems to have a talent for it. Quinn just wants to be like his big sisters and he enjoys keeping them company while they work....I hope everyone is doing are a few recent pics of everyone...enjoy:

Love the pictures and the blog.