I've been hesitant to blog about my latest obsession---when I say obsession, I mean eat, drink, sleep, breathe, and do things that I haven't done since I was in high school obsessed---, preferring to keep it under cover for fear of something bad happening if I become exposed....like say, losing my kids......But it's probably better to come clean...get it out in the open and move on with my life...(as if that's possible....)
I am in LOVE with Twilight...yep, that's right people, that crazy vampire book series that was written for 13 year olds....That's me! I'm not afraid to admit it anymore. I have this total and utter THING for a fictitious vampire...I read the entire series (all 2000 + pages) back in November in ONE week...Sick, I know. I went to the midnight showing of the movie on opening night (as only an addict would do) and since then have been crushing HARD on the lead actor Robert Pattinson! I've re-read Twilight multiple times, seen the movie in the theater more times than I would care to admit, went online to read a partial draft copy of Twilight from the male character's perspective, found this crazy website called Twilightmoms.com and frequent it, well, frequently, and in a very low and desperate point of my obsession, e-mailed Oprah to ask for her help (still waiting to hear back on that one)....
OK, I know many people who love Twilight..altho I have resisted their urges to join their ranks...but I do have to say you are the ONLY one I know who has emailed Oprah about it. HAHAHA
ReplyDeleteI told u it was sick! Jay thought I was joking about Oprah, but sadly it's the truth....I would suggest never reading those books if you can avoid it....I wouldn't wish this feeling of despair and obsession on anyone....