And speaking of bias if Danny Gokey sings out of tune one more time, but looks up to heaven while doing it and gets mad praise from the judges I swear I will lose my dinner...ok maybe I'm being a little mean...But I'm angry...If a super talented guy like Kris gets criticism for hitting every note perfectly then I don't know if I can even continue watching this show (do I saw that EVERY week?). Randy's criticism of Kris's performance was soooo off base!!! Kris nailed "Falling Slowly" (Which, by the way, is from one of my favorite movies evah...go check it out if you haven't seen it...sooooo awesome). And did he even get props for picking something NON Aerosmith or Bryan Adams? NO!!! I suppose this makes Kris NON relevant....whatever! This show is a SHAM! All those days of playing with Journey or Mariah Carey or whoever have obviously effected Randy Jackson's hearing And while I'm up here I just have to say I hated the whole two judge criticism this week...I know why they were doing it, but I completely hated it! Again complete bias....ugh....
So who do I think sounded good this week?? Well Kris completely gets and A+ from me! I'm guessing Lil, Anoop and either Allison, or poor Matt to be the bottom three.
Donna here, (stepping off her soap box) and signing off..........
This pic is for Amy...

Gotta love Anoops impression of Kris thinking he is sexy....b/c it is just a thought there is NOTHIHNG sexy about him...those only under of 10 are allowed to like him. Tell me what grown person thinks he is sexy?? Can't can you?? Please tell me you don't find him sexy? I think I will have to come over there and shake you if that is the case. I guess you are allowed to like him but just PLEASE don't find him sexy. I know you like him but he irritates the crap out of me. If he stretches his face one more time to get a note out I am going to throw my remote at the tv.
ReplyDeleteI love Danny! I like Adam too but I STILL can't figure out what type of CD he will put out, I think he should have been been around in the 80's and he could have been in a Hair Band. He already wears and is cofortable in makeup and women's clothing...did I just say that? I mean come on, he loves him some eyeliner!
I thought it was boring last night, way to many slow songs. I think they need to boot Kara off the show, we never had to hear from only 2 judges until she came along with her big "yale" words. I have to hear from Simon on EVERY performance, I love him and he is always dead on. Plus he is just funny.
Well I guess I better get back to work. Funny how this show can get us all up in arms. Of course I had to talk about it with my work peeps this morning.
Wow,it's my guess you didn't like last night's performance....I'm sorry but I love Adam and I don't feel they are favoring him, he's just that talented...I didn't like most of the songs that were sung last was an off night. I was impressed with Lil for once, and liked the way she spoke up for herself...and yes I am glad Matt got saved, but now next week we will be losing two, and with this young crowd I am anxious to see what 70's song they pick..this is my era...Aunt Tina Marie