I once read that camping is a really great way for a family to bond and create memories, but not for the reason some of you may think....The book is escaping me right now, but whoever it was, said that camping creates lifelong memories for families and brings them closer together because of the inevitability of a terrific disaster. Something always goes wrong on a camping trip: you get attacked by bugs, you have loud neighbors that keep you up all night, or in the case of this past weekend @ Shenandoah National Park: you get stuck in a tent with four of your closest family members in 40 degree temps...Don't get me wrong, Big Meadows was BEAUTIFUL and we had a fantastic time! (I'm always amazed @ my kids ability to adapt to any situation with fantastic ease.) BUT, it was COLD, people. When it was time to crawl into that tent and go to sleep we were not--to use the phrase quite literally--"happy campers." We layered up and still froze. Overall, despite the cold we enjoyed ourselves tremendously. Here are some pictures of our weekend.

Beautiful Pictures. Beautiful family.