Hey Everyone:
It's been a very busy few weeks in the Doak house hence no blog entries, but I couldn't let Stella's birthday go by without mentioning it! We celebrated Stella's seventh birthday @ Cinema Cafe with her friends this past Saturday and on her actual b-day, Tuesday, we had a family pool party @ Grams'. Stella's "Maca," Grandma Carol, Aunt Caitlin, and Uncle Tyler joined us from FL along with the usual crew...Thank you to everyone for coming and hanging out! Stella had a fantastic day!!
I can't believe she is SEVEN already. Time really does fly once you start having children. I can remember sitting around before Jay and I had kids and wondering how people stayed busy! I always had down time and the occasional case of "boredom." That word is definitely no longer in my vocabulary, but I wouldn't have it any other way! Life is busy, messy, chaotic, and GREAT!
Stella is such a sweet girl. I love seeing her grow and watching as her interests change and her personality develops. The thing that strikes me most about Stella is her love for family. She is a loyal and kind sister and daughter! I hope that never changes.
Stella's favorites @ age 7:
Favorite color: purple
Favorite TV show: JONAS
All-Time Favorite book: "Junie B. Jones and The Stupid Smelly Bus" Barbara Park
Favorite Band: The Jonas Brothers
Favorite Thing To Do In Spare Time: Play with Murphy, Ashlyn, and Quinn
Hobbies: reading, playing, swimming, piano, camping
Favorite Trip: Kerr Damn camping trip
Dream Vacation: New York City, Hawaii
Favorite Food: Macaroni and Cheese
Stella Collects: bookmarks, rocks, seashells, Jonas Brothers STUFF
Favorite Movie: Camp Rock
Favorite Website: "the Google"
That's my girl..I'm glad she had a great birtday. I can't believe she is 7 myself. I really enjoyed our time together and there will be many more with allof them...