Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A Poem

This is inspired by a reconnection with on old friend from college....not really inspired by her, but by her poetry...enjoy...

Ashlyn's Bath

"Look Mommy, a water angel."

As she spreads her arms

and legs out as wide

as the tub will allow.

I drain the water


for a quiet moment

at the end of a long day.

"Can I stay until the water

is gone? There's still LOTS of water."

"Yes," I tell her as I sit down

on the folded toilet seat

towel in hand.

This will be another few minutes.

"I will curl up to stay warm," she squeals

as she rolls into a

wet ball

arms and legs


water slowly draining...

She hugs the tub floor

seeking warmth.

The water slips out slowly.

The tiny limbed ball

all bunched up in a corner of the tub


creeping toes,

feeling fingers,

reaching for the last bits of water

as it slurps out of the tub.

"I'm all soakened," she says,

Standing and reaching for her hooded duck towel

and a hug.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Special Day

When Stella turned four Jay had this idea to take her out on a "date" near her b-day to celebrate the special occasion and a tradition was born. This year they went down to the oceanfront to play miniature golf and have lunch. Here are some pictures.....

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Stella's Birthday

Hey Everyone:
It's been a very busy few weeks in the Doak house hence no blog entries, but I couldn't let Stella's birthday go by without mentioning it! We celebrated Stella's seventh birthday @ Cinema Cafe with her friends this past Saturday and on her actual b-day, Tuesday, we had a family pool party @ Grams'. Stella's "Maca," Grandma Carol, Aunt Caitlin, and Uncle Tyler joined us from FL along with the usual crew...Thank you to everyone for coming and hanging out! Stella had a fantastic day!!
I can't believe she is SEVEN already. Time really does fly once you start having children. I can remember sitting around before Jay and I had kids and wondering how people stayed busy! I always had down time and the occasional case of "boredom." That word is definitely no longer in my vocabulary, but I wouldn't have it any other way! Life is busy, messy, chaotic, and GREAT!
Stella is such a sweet girl. I love seeing her grow and watching as her interests change and her personality develops. The thing that strikes me most about Stella is her love for family. She is a loyal and kind sister and daughter! I hope that never changes.
Stella's favorites @ age 7:
Favorite color: purple
Favorite TV show: JONAS
All-Time Favorite book: "Junie B. Jones and The Stupid Smelly Bus" Barbara Park
Favorite Band: The Jonas Brothers
Favorite Thing To Do In Spare Time: Play with Murphy, Ashlyn, and Quinn
Hobbies: reading, playing, swimming, piano, camping
Favorite Trip: Kerr Damn camping trip
Dream Vacation: New York City, Hawaii
Favorite Food: Macaroni and Cheese
Stella Collects: bookmarks, rocks, seashells, Jonas Brothers STUFF
Favorite Movie: Camp Rock
Favorite Website: "the Google"