Quinn was a TERRIBLE sleeper when he was little (and when I say little, I really mean the first year of his life). That child would not sleep...He hated to nap! He woke up several times during the night! And was, of course, the earliest riser in this house! That first year was tough! Well I finally had to lay down the law with that kid and make him cry it out!!! But to make the transition from not sleeping to peacefully slumbering a little bit easier, I bought him a little green square of a blanket that I knew would not help, but would at least make me feel better about tossing the kid into the crib until morning. Turns out that Quinn fell in love with that little blanket and still uses it over one year later. His name for his blanket has evolved from BOONTUN (seriously) to what he now calls it--his BACON. Funny, though, he calls it his bacon, but if you call it anything other than his blanket he looks at you like you are crazy! So apparently, through Quinn's little ears, him saying bacon sounds just like blanket.
