Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thursday Thoughts....

I had cancer a couple of years ago (thyroid) and following my surgery and recovery...i had this whole new perspective on life and everything that was thrown my way...I really did look @ everything as a gift...and it was like this incredible high and wonderful feeling...nothing really bothered me, I didn't get stressed, I was completely happy and content and it lasted for a while, but it slowly started to fade and one day I woke up and realized I was exactly the same person I was before I found out I had cancer. And it really made me sad to think that this feeling of euphroria was gone and I was left having to "work" to appreciate everything. I was like everyone else...taking life, family, God for granted...sad, huh? well, I'm slowly coming out of the shell shock of all that and I really do believe that it takes work to be happy and that it's more of a decision rather than something we race to I wake up and tell God, "Bring it..I've got this..." and yeah, it's not the euphoria that I once had for a brief moment, but rather something so much more...just some thoughts..I'm grateful for it all...though not to say some chapters in my life are more fun/happy/interesting/colorful than others...the thought that I can choose happiness is comforting.

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