So...I haven't blogged in forever and I don't really have like one great reason as to why I stopped and the cliche reasons don't seem valid enough to write down...BUT I can say that a funny little line will pop into my head, or I'll take a picture that I really want to caption, one of the kids will say something that seems at the moment to be particularly profound, or I'll have a moment where if I don't write down exactly what I am feeling then it will certainly be lost forever......but none of those moments in recent months have been enough to pull me back into spilling my inner most secrets, arguing with myself for everyone to read over the most inane (and every now and then hefty) subjects, or simply sharing what has been going on in my life...BUT...
I miss writing
...it somehow brings a weight to my life, a purpose, a cohesiveness that simply living it doesn't bring....I was standing in the shower the other day and it struck me in the most random moment that I am a writer and then the most underwhelming and sad part......I don't write.
So...I'm a bit rusty, but I'm attempting to get back in the saddle because to be honest...A lot has been going on in my life in the past few months, but I really haven't been feeling it...I've been in a fog and maybe a few words can bring some focus, clarity, and meaning back to me....
lists are always fun so here's a quick one that will catch you up with my life....
1. The Doak family 5 is moving in THREE weeks people....this is a bittersweet move but greatly needed for peace of mind and I have to believe, overall, a GOOD thing.
2. I have been cancer free for TWO years, but if truth be told this is the worst I have felt physically since my surgery....my meds are off and I am very much living life with a daily reminder that I no longer have a thyroid...it sucks and my goal is to physically get back on track...
3. my children are doing wonderfully!! They are all growing into these fantastically witty, caring, and kind individuals who I truly enjoy hanging out with...they are my anchors and I relish every moment with them.
4. I have taken six graduate school credits @ one of the most conservative colleges in the COUNTRY and lived to tell about it....
5. Jason and I celebrated our TEN year wedding anniversary last October. This amazes me on so many different levels...
6. I started going to a new church...well, that's not completely true, but Real Life has grown so much in the past year that sometimes I don't even recognize the place when I walk through the doors. I'm on the fence about how I feel about this...but that's another blog post... : )
7. I got a Facebook account and interestingly enough stopped writing my blog....hahahaha
more depth later, but this is my humble re-beginning...take care ya'll....